In the past 25 years we've been selling leather bags, wallets, belts, purses and hats, we've experienced a whole host of leather-related jargon. At first it can be pretty confusing if you don't know your nappa from your nubuck, or your vegetable tanning from your oil tanning. That's why we've put together this easy-to-use glossary of all the industry terms you're likely to encounter when shopping for quality leather goods.
Bridle Leather - vegetable-tanned leather used for making equestian equipment e.g. saddles.
Buffalo Leather - hide from domesticated water buffalo.
Burnished Leather - where heat has been applied to the leather to achieve a darker colour and sheen.
Calfskin - fine-grained leather made from the hide of young cattle.
Crocking - similar to raw denim, this is when pigment from dyed leather rubs off onto other materials.